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כל מה שפורסם על ידי Daniel

  1. [video=youtube;0d-1ZilyKdw]
  2. מיותר לגמרי, והיהלום שתקוע מאחורה סתם מכוער לדעתי.
  3. לא חושב שאראה, סדרה מאוסה לדעתי כבר.
  4. נשמע מדהים, גם ככה יש חוסר בחומרי גלם בכדור הארץ ולהמשיך להרוס את האדמה כאן זה כבר לא יעיל. תודה על האשכול!
  5. Famous Last Words - Two Faced Charade [align=left] [/align] [align=center] [video=youtube;9mDbat6s-1I] [/align] [align=left] This album has a story that it goes after which is about The main character who falls in love with his neighbour, Elise. The main character has schizophrenia, he starts stalking Elise and eventually finds out that she has a boyfriend. The main character gets jealous and his second personality tells him that he has to get rid of her boyfriend so he can have her for himself. He kills the boyfriend and burries his body in the ground. Elise is heartbroken and thinks he left her, but she later finds out that he’s been murdered and tries staying away from the main character, calling him a monster. A heartbroken main character then decides to kidnap her, he takes her to his basement where he bind and gags her to a chair, she manages to get loose, but she discovers that shes locked in there with the main character. His second personality takes over and kills her, when he gets to his senses again its already too late, from not being able to take the pain of losing his love he decides to kill himself as well. [/align] זו הזדמנות מצויינת להראות לכל אלו שאומרים שבמטאל אין משמעות חוץ מצרחות שיש. זה פוסט-הארדקור איכותי.
  6. [video=youtube;pUqyoCFqBpA] This song says everything I feel deep inside, there are times when giving up sounds like the best option, but this song gives you hope when yours is all gone, it tells you no matter how hard things get keep moving, you may feel that no one loves you but it's not always like that. When you are upset or too depressed you miss everything that is right in front you. You push everyone away because you feel you don't deserve their sympathy or kindness. You beat yourself up because you just don't see the point in not doing so. You break yourself more and more till there is nothing left. Well like the song says "this is not the end" well it's not just open your eyes to everyone and thing you have been pushing away and embrace them. Don't let those depressed, lonely or even guilty feelings stop your life, don't let the darkness consume you or leave you as nothing. Use this as a push off. As something you will remember over and over to keep yourself going. Keep your head up not down. This is all I have to say but just know you are not alone and you are not meant to end it all. I posted about this on see you again, but I didn't say the full thing. My friend/ heart sister, was the closest person I had known. She committed suicide and left me. She wanted me to come with her, but I just couldn't. I said I wasn't ready to leave and I had wished she felt the same. I lost her to a pocket knife and now I can't get her back. Till this day I still feel that emptiness inside that I know will never go away. There is a wound in my heart that I know will never heal. What I had seen that day was horrible. I still have the image of her in my head. Lying there limp and lifeless. I felt lifeless that day and from then on I've never been the same. From that day on I go on everyday a shell with a broken heart and lost soul. This song reminds me of her and I feel that emptiness go away when I listen to this song. I dedicate this to my dear sister who I know even though she will never get to know or see this, she will always be here with me. I've never forgotten that tragic and disappointing day but the best I can do is keep going. I tell myself she wouldn't want you to stop because she had.
  7. הכי מכור שהיה עד עכשיו, פורטוגל זכתה רק בגלל רחמים כלפי זה שצריך לממן לו טיפול רפואי.
  8. פג תוקפו של הערוץ הזה כבר מזמן. רדוד ומשעמם.
  9. [video=youtube;hf04EYSifjE]
  10. Daniel

    Thy Art Is Murder - Holy War

  11. [video=youtube;eAAuNFV20mk]
  12. [align=center][video=youtube;YAudKiviaHE] [/align] [align=left]" Old Souls - Guy goes to war, comes back a changed man Scraping The Barrel - Resorts to drinking to deal with the things he experienced in the war. It's clear from the video of Let me in, that he hasn't just beat her once, he's done it on occasion . Threads - Sinking into the shadows his layers peel and crumble as he's becoming someone he doesn't want to be, but has no control over, as any attempt to change comes to no avail. His shame could possibly be beating Annie. Marionette - Annie is nothing more than a puppet to the guy (puppeteer). "To the weeping; I shamefully lend out my frame." Feeling bad for him every time he cries, he lets him use her body, maybe to try and rekindle some form of affection for her again. Annie is the Marionette playing her part in his crumbling life.Fake - He's told her to "Not trust anyone, stay inside" and tried conditioning her to belief these words. Annie makes a stand against the guy, realizing that all his words are lies, telling him to stop controlling her. Blood Moon - Schizophrenia has developed, the friend in his head possibly making him see the mistakes hes made through his life, attempting to pull his eyes out to stop seeing these memoriesLet Me In - He's telling her he was never really there mentally once he came back from war. Telling her he can't let her in, can't talk to her about the awful things he's seen. The guy kills himself, telling her he just can't bear to hurt her anymore, and attempts to fix it all by ending it all. Requiem- The guy is writing a requiem, telling Annie over and over "Farewell Forever", before he takes his life. He sees that Annie has no life left in her after everything he's put her through. He sees that in the pages of their lives, the shadows are overtaking them, meaning there are more bad memories than good, and he can't bear to see that. This is what is shown at the end of Let me in, it's after writing this requiem that he kills himself.Foreword - I believe this is possibly Annie, having now grown old, approaching death, wanting to start over with him in the afterlife, seeing as she could never let him go, despite all the terrible things he did to her, as seen in the lyrics for Let me in."[/align]
  13. Daniel

    Make Them Suffer - Neverbloom

    [video=youtube;5NyMGQd6BlE] [align=center][/align]
  14. Daniel

    Make Them Suffer - Blood Moon

    [video=youtube;XFYHlyfh-1Y] [align=center][/align]
  15. Daniel

    Make Them Suffer - Old Souls

    [video=youtube;XFYHlyfh-1Y] ​[align=center][/align]
  16. נראה טוב, נשמע טוב
  17. ש.ב מן הסתם
  18. חייב לטעום
  19. עם!
  20. Daniel

    ספר או סרט?

  21. היה ניתן להביע את המחאה בדרך קצת יותר חינוכית ויפה, ולא בללכת בעירום ברחוב, זה רק יעורר עוד פרובוקציות.
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